lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Should UK children be 'bussed' to school in the name of diversity?

One of the most important problems that UK and US have is the racial, ethnic and class segregation in the schools. Too may methods are used to solve this problem, one of these are the strategy of taking poorer children to affluent school in UK, but this measure is "flawed" and the american-style's bussing is considering like a possible option.
But, like all the methods, this strategy has a problematic history in the US, for example in the moment of the implementation (1970s and 1980s) white parents resisted the integration of no-white children to white schools, and sometimes they targeting buses of black children with violence.
In US this problem has have a lot of changes, in 1980 with the President Reagan's Words overturned school desegregation some districts have abandoned integration efforts altogether. But in the 1990s American reformers prove that black and latino children have the same capacity to have good grade, so the desegregation has no excuses!.
Also a sociology Amy Stuart Wells of Columbia University demonstrated that all the children must to be with others cultures and families different from one's own.
In conclusion, exists a lot of methods for the integral segregation of no-white children, but the simple bussing or taking poor children to affluent school have demonstrated that in this society those strategy rarely works.

The new's link>:

4 comentarios:

  1. If this is a matter of your taste, maybe you should search a text called "social reproduction in classrooms and schools".
    Here's the link

  2. Segregation is probably one of the most important troubles in Europe. Hugs!

  3. Today those reasons to prove the difference between people, are more worrying because any condition is reviled, so this is a huge society problem. This is an interesting topic to discuss. Regards!
